WIS Name: ReconDaddy
First Name: Mike
Home State: Ohio
Age: 36
What do you do when you’re not playing HBD or working?:
I am the head coach of a semipro football team.
Favorite Teams:
Cincinnati Benglas, Cincinnati Reds
Choose 4 people you’d like to hang out with for a night (why?):
The four guys in Hang Over
Funniest or dumbest thing that you’ve done in last few years:
Screamed "You Can Do It" at a wedding when the best man started crying during his speech.
Most Memorable WIS moment:
Hoping to cause less drama and keep a good world going.
HBD owner that you respect/fear the most (Why?):
Everyone in Sweet Lou, other then recent issues, its been a very good world!
If you could change one thing about Sweet Lou, what would it be?:
Start over with less drama and not let my son into the world.
If you could change one thing about HBD what would it be?:
Add records for the minor league, I think it would add a whole new level to the game.
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